ProKiln is the 4th generation kiln inlet solution from ABB with an innovative probe concept that ensures an availability of more than 95% at cement plants with an increased use of alternative fuels.
The next generation is powerful!
Cement production is highly energy intensive and worldwide producers are continuously seeking ways to increase their use of alternative fuels to reduce the impact on the environment and increase process efficiency.
To meet the changing process conditions, ABB and FLO2R have combined more than 60 years of experience in order to develop a premium product supporting cement plants in achieving their objectives: The 4th generation kiln inlet solution from ABB.
ProKiln can be combined with various analyzers, but the full potential is realized with the AO2000 System produced in ABB’s center of excellence in Frankfurt, Germany.
ProKiln has proven its merit though a trial at a major global cement producer. The selected plant has a substitution rate of more than 80% alternative fuels and by using ABB’s solution maintenance efforts were reduced by 85% and the availability
increased to more than 95% (from previous 9%),convincing them to replace their current installation with ProKiln.