
Endura AZ40 Oxygen & Combustibles Analyzer

About Endura AZ40 Oxygen & Combustibles Analyzer

L'analyseur d'oxygène et de combustibles AZ40 échantillonne et analyse en continu les gaz résiduels de combustion, souvent appelés gaz de combustion. L'AZ40 détermine les niveaux d'excès d'oxygène à l'aide d'un capteur d'oxygène à base de zircone et de combustible non brûlé à l'aide d'un détecteur de monoxyde de carbone amélioré pour mesurer l'équivalent de monoxyde de carbone (COe).

Technical Specifications
Data Sheet
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Product Guide


Endura model AZ40, is a microprocessor based industrial grade combustion analyzer that continuously samples and analyzes industrial flue gases (oxygen only or optional oxygen and combustibles). The AZ40 determines the levels of excess oxygen using a zirconia based oxygen sensor and unburnt fuel with an enhanced carbon monoxide detector to measure the carbon monoxide equivalent (COe). Designed for use on gas, oil or coal fired combustion processes with a high temperature operating range. Typical applications include those found in the utility and petrochemical industries.

Accurate measurement of both oxygen and COe is important for the safe, reliable and efficient operation of industrial combustion plant.

• Carbon monoxide detector
• Flue gas
• Combustion analysis
• Combustion analyzer

  • • Oxygen only or oxygen plus combustibles
    • Increased combustion efficiency
    • Burner malfunction identification
    • Enhanced plant safety
  • • Close-coupled sample system
    • Integral flame arrestors
    • Stable sample temperature and pressure
    • Heated sample path
  • • Comprehensive diagnostics
    • NAMUR-compliant diagnostic symbols
    • Supports predictive maintenance
    • Fully logged diagnostic events
  • • Automatic sensor calibration
    • Fully programmable schedule
    • Locally triggered
    • Accuracy check
  • • Process logging and trending of all measured and calculated values
    • Oxygen and carbon monoxide equivalent (COe)
    • Process temperature measurement
    • Combustion efficiency calculation
  • • Multiple sample filter and blowback options
    • Optional dual filtration system
    • Fully programmable blowback